Event • letSwift is a meetup for iOS developers organized in Wroclaw.
I'm the co-organizer and co-host of the meetup, organized by Droids On Roids in Wroclaw, Poland. letSwift has been organized since 2016 and has hosted more than 80 speakers on its stage.

iPadOS demo app • Operation system concept designed to be fast and responsive on every device.
HeliumOS is being made with SwiftUI. The goal is to create a Swift app with a responsive user interface that will be fun to interact with on every screen size. On the iPad's screen, HeliumOS can be controlled with touch, and on a big TV screen user can control the UI with a supported gamepad.

Android app • Keep track of borrowed items in an easy and accessible way.
With the help of Treasure, you can quickly save borrowed items so you don't forget to return them. The app allows you to set reminders on your calendar so that you never miss a deadline to return an item.
Treasure was available on Google Play.
macOS app • An app that allows you to track your progress in cycling.
The app allows you to create a user profile and store data for cycling workouts. The data is calculated and presented in a clean and simple form. The Aero app has a database of tips that are displayed on a home screen. The app provides three training plans with its own unique goals.
The Aero app was developed during my first year at the University of Wroclaw in the Python language, mainly with macOS in mind. It is included in my portfolio mainly for nostalgia reasons.